
iConnect is an addressable communication system between lighting components and a central command. Works on OSX, Windows, iOS, Android. iConnect makes the installation and exploitation easier and much safer.

iConnect is an addressable communication system between lighting components and a central command. iConnect is based on an open bus communication system. Each light is separately addressable and can be independently controlled and monitored through the system. Control the whole lighting system from multiple devices.From a touch screen with a friendly user interface, you are able to control each functionality of the system. You can monitor the state of the lighting system. You will be informed if a lamp or power supply fault occurs and which unit encounters a failure. The iConnect also detects a problem when the lighting system is switched off and can be configured to send directly an email to your responsible technician, as soon as a failure occurs.Pilot and crew are able to turn on and regulate the brightness of the lighting system from anywhere directly from their Smartphone or tablet with a dedicated application.All these functionalities are available from any computer, tablet and mobile device (iOS and Android). This system is based on a open bus protocol and give you the opportunity to add additional components from any manufacturer.

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This product/system is manufactured on custommer specification. Please contact us for more information.


  • Connected control system
  • Possible integration with: KNX, DALI, and much more
  • Touchscreen and standard interface possible
  • Possibility to control other type-brand of product
  • Fully customizable

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